Port of Wakkanai on Hokkaido, JAPAN
The Entrance >> TOP >> Transport to Wakkanai (in Japan) >> Bus
Train and Bus services between Wakkanai and Sapporo work. And Wakkanai has an Airport and some Air Services to Sapporo, Tokyo work. In summer season, services to Osaka and Nagoya also work.
The Bus from Sapporo is coming in Wakkanai. Bus between Wakkanai and Sapporo : 6 hours

6services in a day (2009)
Bus Timetable between Wakkanai and Sapporo
(JUL 2009)
#2 06:30>> >> >>12:20
#4 08:30>> >> >>14:20
#6 11:30>> >> >>17:20
#8 13:00>> >> >>18:50
#10 16:40>> >> >>22:30
#12 23:00>> >> >>05:30
Wakkanai Sapporo
#1 13:30<< << <<07:40
#3 16:20<< << <<10:30
#5 18:50<< << <<13:00
#7 20:50<< << <<15:00
#9 22:50<< << <<17:00
#11 05:30<< << <<23:00
inserted by FC2 system